Body Weight Workout*

(This is a great workout when you are on vacation or any other time you are on the road. You will need a jump rope and a watch timer. Beginners half the reps and time)

10 squats, 1 push-up, 10 jumping jacks, 1 burpee

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

9 squats, 2 push-ups, 9 jumping jacks, 2 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

8 squats, 3 push-ups, 8 jumping jacks, 3 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

7 squats, 4 push-ups, 7 jumping jacks, 4 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

6 squats, 5 push-ups, 6 jumping jacks, 6 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

5 squats, 6 push-ups, 5 jumping jacks, 5 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

4 squats, 7 push-ups, 4 jumping jacks, 7 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

3 squats, 8 push-ups, 3 jumping jacks, 8 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

2 squats, 9 push-ups, 2 jumping jacks, 9 burpees

Jump rope or run in place for one minute

1 squat, 10 push-ups, 1 jumping jack, 10 burpees

*Modified from Dana Bittenbender, Exercise Physiologist, 1/27/2014